Friday, January 27, 2012

Processed Food

One thing I have a problem with is processed food.  It's fast, easy, and convenient.  However, it is not good for the body at all.  Heres why:  a doctor leaves this actual food on in her office so that people can see how bad processed food is.  It is very hard for the body to break down: ex, this food has been out since 2010 and has not even changed form.  Imagine the body trying to process and break down these foods on a daily basis.

Luckily for me I also enjoy fresh fruits, nuts, and vegetables.  When I go to the grocery store I basically only shop on the outer aisles and that's everything I need for a balanced diet, fuel, and energy to complete my workouts.

Thursday, January 26, 2012

Muscle Confusion

In the last year I have changed the way I exercise.  In my old days I would do 30 mins on the treadmill and another 30 mins on the elliptical trainer.  While this is great to build your cardio endurance and lose inches, it is a very slow workout that doesn't really get the metabolism or heart rate high.

With Turbo Fire the workout included everything you need to lose weight, gain strength, tone, build lean muscle, keep your heart rate up, and every exercise you do works multiple muscles.  Muscle confusion is the best way to get your body in the shape it needs to be in so my workouts for the next couple of months will consist of Turbo Fire 6 days a week, and 3-4 days of 20-30 mins of running.  I get everything I need for a great workout and I don't need the gym.  In fact I'm burning twice as many calories doing these workouts as I did doing and hour of long boring cardio.  In fact I'm convinced HIIT workouts are the most effective workouts for the body.  I will continue to do these types of exercises so stay tuned to see my progress.

Wednesday, January 25, 2012


In the past I have often "rewarded" myself for doing "good" with food.  I have decided rewarding yourself with food is a very BAD idea.  Why? Because it really defeats the purpose of changing my lifestyle.  This journey is about more than weight loss, its about completely changing my lifestyle and getting rid of bad habits I picked up over the last 3 years.  It all started at the point when I graduated college, I was so excited to enter the working world, only to realize the economy was awful and NOBODY and I mean NOBODY was hiring.  I had no job and fell into what some may call a mini depression.  Then, I finally got a job at Dillards, but my schedule was crazy and I just had to eat on the go all the time resulting in eating anything fried and fatty.

My point is changing my lifestyle will only work if I don't think of food as a reward.  One of my friends suggested that I schedule a time where I can have not so good things.  For instance, if I know on Friday nights I'm going to be out with friends, then I can just designate Friday nights to splurge a little.  I really love this concept and I will definitely try to incorporate this into my lifestyle change.

Tuesday, January 24, 2012

The Workout

Obviously working out is a major part in weight loss.  One thing I have struggled with is boredom.  Sometimes I go to the gym and just walk out.  Why? Because its soooo boring, not to mention in my little hometown I get stuck with look at the same annoying faces lol (no offense)  So I decided maybe I'll try a home workout. 

The first home work out I tried is Insanity.  I will say that Insanity is without a doubt the best full body workout I've ever experienced.  However after about 3 weeks of the program I no longer had the desire to complete it.  It is extremely intense (which don't get me wrong intensity is good!) and not very fun.  It is also difficult to have time for Insanity because you have to dedicated 45-60mins a day 6 days a week and with a full time job, and school, that's very difficult.  There is a light though....

I was introduced to  Turbo Fire by my good friend Ashley.  She spoke so highly that I just assumed she was over exaggerating.  But let me tell you, this is the GREATEST home workout for women.  It is so fun! I actually look forward to doing the workouts every day and the best part is the music.  The song choices are so good that I find myself yelling the words to the song while out of breath and dripping sweat.  Another great thing about Turbo Fire is the time commitment is different everyday.  It also includes days that are just 15 mins, and those darn 15 min Fire drills will have you dripping buckets of sweat.  I just cannot speak more highly of this workout and frankly I think I'm in love with Chalean.  She is so fun, cute, and truly motivates you during the entire workout.

One of my friends was at the gym yesterday and when I saw her with a little sweat, I decided I will start following the class schedule on Turbo Fire much better. I've had this workout and have only been doing it here and there, but I will definitely start following the schedule.

First Month

This month on Jan. 2nd I weighed in at 211.6 lbs, Jan 23rd weigh in is 206.4.  While I am happy about losing 5lbs in about 3 weeks, I am not getting overly excited because usually I can lose 10lbs very easily, get satisfied, and gain it all back within a couple of months.  I won't be hard on myself, but I won't get overly excited until I break the cycle.

One of the main issues I'm struggling with on my weight loss journey is food.  I live at home with my parents and two of my sisters.  While I love them all very dearly, they are not the healthiest people.  There's constantly junk food such as chips, ice cream, and pizza.  It is very hard to resist these things.  I do think I have a small amount of self control, but there's only so much self control can do.  My solution to this problem would simply be don't have those tempting foods in your home, but since my home is not mine alone, I'm constantly thinking of new things to help with moderation and self control.

My Journey

Hi Everyone.  I'm on a journey of a healthier lifestyle which includes, eating better, exercising more, losing weight, and remaining happy with myself no matter what the scale says!